Weiss Architecture Studio

Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae lorem.


Conceptually designed by Dr. Ankur Bhatia along with master architect Lek Bunnag from Thailand, Roseate House in Aerocity, New Delhi is an ultrachic luxury resort, carefully curated envisaging the best in design, art, hospitality, and personalization cantered around guest experience.
Inspired by hues of bronze and copper, the idea was to create a space with warm ambience for travellers from across the globe. Neither Mr. Bhatia nor our design team settled for mediocrity. Once shade was finalised, translating the vision using Barrisol was easy. The entrance of the lobby has been created using matt finished Barrisol non- backlit which translates the designer’s vision into reality.
The four conference rooms have been lit up using plain backlit Barrisol Mercure for a subtle and seamless effect.
All the elevator ceilings incorporate plain backlit as well.


Tom Hoffmann
